Professional Diversity Practitioner (PDP)

About the certification

The International Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Professional Institute (IDPI) provides a 6 week intensive, interactive certification program. The Professional Diversity Practitioner (PDP) will be equipped to design company policies that reinforce diversity and equity in the workplace, address harassment and discrimination in organization policies, practices and programs, and ensure equity for underrepresented groups. PDP certified individuals will have the knowledge, skills and abilities to lead and manage DEI projects and implementation. You will be able to cultivate a supportive and inclusive work environment where inclusion and feelings of belonging are a part of the company culture and will enhance the experience for all employees or community members.

The 6-week certification program will provide an enhanced toolkit to gain leaders buy-in, lay the right foundation, build a DEI strategy, and be effective and efficient in managing and leading the DEI journey in your organization.



Week Roadmap

Your Resources and Tools

DEIB Resource Toolbox

Get access to this interactive learning library to continuously stay up-to-date with everything DEIB.

How to Plan and Implement New D&I Strategy

Get hands-on by going through a process of how to implement a new D&I strategy.

Worksheets and Discussion

Each week has worksheets, exercises, and activities to enhance learning and adaptation.



5 Actions leaders take to drive DEIA in the workplace

Participants will learn how to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace — and why we actually recommend EDI over DEI, with a focus on equity first, before diversity & inclusion. It begins with setting direction, creating alignment, and gaining buy-in and commitment at all levels of the organization, beginning with top leaders.

Leaders must also be able to articulate their individual and collective perspective, organizational values, and the desired organizational culture, and incorporate how power and privilege, and the systems that support discrimination, affects their approach in leading DEI and the effectiveness of the journey. Participants will begin with an understanding of 5 tactical actions they can take that will drive DEIA (incudes accessibility) in the workplace.


Developing a DEI strategy and implementation plan

Creating a DEI strategy is about being intentional and willing to put in the work to reshape your organizational culture to one where inclusion and belonging are central to your success. Developing and implementing a strategic pathway will help you build the inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive. The strategic planning process is about identifying a starting point to and end point and laying out the journey to get there. Part of that journey is the strategy itself – what is it we are trying to accomplish, what is our dream state and what are the components to achieve that dream state. And part of it is execution – what are all of the steps, activities and
resources we need to get there.

Participants will be introduced to a 4-phase, step-by-step guide that will help you explore what should be included in your DEI strategy and how to implement your strategies into actionable inclusion efforts you can measure and deliver at scale. (The four phases include: Setting up your planning project infrastructure, Gathering and analyzing data, Defining your strategic priorities and Implementation)


The most common types of bias in the workplace

Bias in the workplace is the purposeful or accidental assumptions made when hiring candidates, delegating tasks or comparing employees in other ways. In most cases, bias is either conscious or unconscious.In the workplace, you might see bias during the hiring process, when assigning employees to projects or when it’s time for promotions. In this course participants will learn about the most common types of workplace bias and how to address each. These include: affinity bias, conformation
bias, halo and horns effect, recency bias.

In this course we also cover the negative repercussions of bias in the workplace, which includes: :

  • Turnover: One of the biggest impacts of biased hiring practices and management is employee turnover.
  • Legal issues: If a candidate or employee accuses you of biased practices, you could face lawsuits, fines or court hearings under the federal Equal Employment Opportunity law regarding workplace discrimination. You may also face lawsuits if you are accused of identify based hiring.
  • Homogeny: Biased hiring practices often lead to homogenous workplaces.

Bias in the HR lifecycle and performance management

Rooting out bias in the employee lifecycle is crucial to creating an environment of equity, inclusion and belonging, especially in the performance monitoring and management process. There are a few patterns of bias that impacts the way we view of team and our evaluation/assessment of them. These include the “prove it again” bias, the “tightrope”, “recency” bias and more.

Groups most often stereotyped include women, people of color, individuals with disabilities, older employees, LGBT+, and professionals from blue-collar backgrounds. In this course participants will learn intervention strategies and tools to reduce the bias in the performance monitoring and performance management process.


Counteracting workplace bias

Counteracting workplace bias begins with acknowledging that we all have them, and being open to identifying where bias creeps in, at the organizational, team and individual levels. But then what? In this course participants will learn how to:

  • Learn the value of and how to use the slow brain processing system
  • Identify opportunities to make informed and equitable decisions
  • Continually monitor your own behavior and that of others to ensure you’re not operating on biases
  • Conduct an equity assessment of policies, practices and programs
  • Actively pay attention to biases of protected classes
  • Identify where privilege and power supports inequities
  • Speaking out when biases are identified with a psychologically safe environment
  • Addressing when harm is caused and incorporating restorative principles

Creating equitable solutions thru equity assessments and audits

Equity assessments, sometimes also called “equity audits”, “equity lens”, or “climate assessments,” involve collecting and analyzing information, usually through multiple data-gathering processes, in order to determine the extent to which there are disparities or inequities inherently built into your organization’s policies, processes, practices and programs, These can occur at the system, structure or people levels and can have an impact internally or externally.

An intentional focus on conducting an equity assessment in ways that recognize and support the needs of underserved populations can more effectively promote equity and inclusion, leading to a culture of belonging. Participants will be introduced to a variety of equity assessment approaches and the benefits and relevance of each.